The applicant is required to thoroughly read the conditions, policies and procedures, code of ethics and business opportunities of the company as given from the website named EVARA IMPEX . This application/agreement form is considered as an authentic and legally binding document. This contract is between the member and EVARA IMPEX.
If the applicant agreed to adhere to and abide by the condition mentioned here under and in the website named EVARA IMPEX . He/She shall become a member on the prescribed membership fee to the Firm by way of a Crossed demand draft or cheque.
The applicant should have completed minimum 18 years of age and shall be competent to enter into contract as provided in the Indian Contract Act '.If the applicant had not completed 18 years age "minor detail"must be filled by the parents/guardian of the applicant.....
If the applicant is Partnership firm/ Private Ltd. Company, then the applicant has to provide all necessary documents pertaining to the firm/company during the regis membership.
For joining as an independent member of the Firm. The applicant will have to make the prescribed payment towards membership fee by way of a Crossed Demand Cheque in favoring ” EVARA IMPEX” payable at Company Head Office Address.
If any body makes a any payment in cash, it will be at his/her own risk and under no circumstances, will be answerable to such unauthorized cash payment.
The initial payment made by the applicant is towards enrolling as an independent member and the same is not refundable under any circumstances. All the packages are registration fee, the processing fee and the administrative costs.
The member will be eligible for incentives or income only as per the volume of business done by him that is also subject to the eligibility norms to the member on only his/her joining the Firm.
The independent member will not be an agent or employee of the Firm. His/her position being so, he/she cannot bind the Firm in any authority to bind the Firm or to r speak on behalf of the Firm.
The Firm will approve the membership by issuing of official receipt and an online registration, which will carry the password and an identification number know as ”Mem generated by Firm. This password and Member ID used for all his/her transaction andcorrespondence with the Firm. The Member ID once generated can not be altered at any point of time.
The Firm will, in no case, entertain any communication without Member ID.
The member has to pay annual renewal fees at the end of the 12 month of their membership as per the norms of the Firm.
Trimming and Services charges will be deducted as per Firm norms. TDS will be deducted as formulated by the Indian Government.
In case of membership in the name of a Partnership firm, the Partnership firm has to submit partnership deeds and relevant documents.
All individual members should adhere to rules and regulations formed by the organization and if any of the members is found guilty of not observing the same, then he/she is terminated from the Firm.
The Firm reserves all rights to terminate a member.
Once a member is terminated he/she can not enter any of the Firm premises/meeting location and his/her incentive/income will be stopped immediately.
The member shall bear true faith and all commitment to the Firm and shall uphold the integrity and decorum of the Firm and shall maintain good relation with other m other clients.
The member shall always behave and act in a dignified manner befitting the status of a member of a reputed and leading network18 marketing Firm of the country.
The member shall not compel or induce or mislead any person with any false statement / promise to join in the Firm as a member.
The Firm will not be answerable for any promise, assurance given by any member to any person, unless it is in accordance with the approved business plan and terms Hence the applicant shall go through the website "EVARA IMPEX" and the brochures and notices issued by theFirm. He / She Can have full information on all the.
The applicant / member shall ensure that all the information / furnished to the Firm is correct and property entered. Any request for correction furnished by the member Her sponsor or placement details will not be entertained, once payment statements are processed.
Firm reserves the right to reject any membership / applicant at its own discretion.